Thursday, September 3, 2009

How To Make A Space Age Bong

Chapter One- The Idea

The Spaceage bong; you’re probably wondering the hell it is and what it does huh? I came up with the idea when I was high some nights ago. I got so high on my old bong that I decided to make something much crazier and capable of making me MUCH higher. So what did I do? I brainstormed the ultimate bong. Rather, the ultimate too for getting high. How ultimate? I’m talking twin chambers, transparent filtration cylinder, dynamic filtration and an extended inter-cooling clutch system... the works. I was so stoked when I put it together, I couldn’t keep it to myself. I had to share my invention with the world. The cool thing about it is that anyone can make it, provided they’re patient enough to give it good shot. I made in under an hour, first attempt! Below is the photograph I took of the machine right after making it:

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